We are pleased to announce that the complete program of XVI DBMC, not yet in its final editing version, is ready, and you can download the complete program under the menu “Program”. The authors can find the accurate time slots allocated for their oral presentations, poster presentations, and student competition. Please prepare your presentations and presenting materials according to this planning.
According to this complete planning, we have totally seven keynote lectures, 112 oral presentations, 32 poster presentations, and 12 student competitions, distributed in 4 keynote sessions, 21 parallel sessions, 1 poster session, and 1 student competition session. We have also published the guidelines for oral presentations and poster presentations. Please follow these instructions to prepare the presentation files.
To stimulate the innovations, the XVI DBMC decides to reward the best presentations and works presented during XVI DBMC: 5 prizes for oral presentation authors, 3 prizes for poster presentation authors, and 6 prizes for student competition. The student competition prizes are further divided into 1 first-class prize, 2 second-class prizes, and 3 third-class prizes. All the participant teams of student competition present during the XVI DBMC conference will be issued certificates of honor.
The XVI DBMC is around the corner in less than two weeks. We look forward to your participation with excitement. Should you have any queries, the organizing team is more than pleased to assist you.